Charlie's Respect Beer page

Most beer discussed on this page is consumed at Sweetwater Tavern, Centreville VA. What is not consumed on premises is taken home in a growler (or two or three) and consumed there.

Bibo, ergo sum

Beer Bits

[30 March 2008]

Growler Update: 2008-03-29

Sweetwater Tavern
Nothing new this week. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%N/A
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%N/A
Straight Shooter Stout11.3/3.24.5%2/27
Kokopelli IPA15.2/2.76.6%3/22
Crazy Jackass Ale13.4/2.85.2%3/14

In a repeat of last week, I got one Kokopelli IPA and one GAR Pale Ale growler to take home.

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[30 March 2008]


I read on the Post web site about Savor. Washington DC will be hosting a "craft beer experience" this May 16 & 17. I hope to attend a post a little about how it went.

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[24 March 2008]

Growler Update: 2008-03-23

Sweetwater Tavern
The Crazy Jackass is the new addition this week at Sweetwater. It won a Gold Medal (defined as

"A world-class beer that accurately exemplifies the specified style, displaying the proper balance of taste, aroma and appearance"
in the Rye Beer category (of which there are apparently two sub-categories)
A. Subcategory: American Rye Ale or Lager with or without Yeast
This beer can be made using either ale or lager yeast. It should be brewed with at least 20 percent rye malt, and hop rates may be low to medium. A fruity estery aroma and flavor are typical but at low levels; however, phenolic, clove-like characteristics should not be perceived. Paler versions of this style may be straw to amber in color, and the body should be light to medium in character. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Darker versions of this style will be dark amber to dark brown, and the body should be light to medium in character. Roasted malts are optionally evident in aroma and flavor with a low level of roast malt astringency acceptable when appropriately balanced with malt sweetness. Roast malts may be evident as a cocoa/chocolate or caramel character. Aromatic toffee-like, caramel, or biscuit-like characters may be part of the overall flavor/aroma profile. As in the paler versions, diacetyl should not be perceived. If entries in this category are packaged and served without yeast, no yeast characters should be evident in mouthfeel, flavor, or aroma. If entries are intended to be served with yeast, the character should portray a full yeasty mouthfeel and appear hazy to very cloudy. Yeast flavor and aroma should be low to medium but not overpowering the balance and character of rye and barley malt and hops. Brewer may indicate on the bottle whether the yeast should be intentionally roused or if they prefer that the entry be poured as quietly as possible. When entering, brewer may choose to indicate if the beer is a rye version of a classic style - for example, rye pale ale, rye porter, etc.
Original Gravity (ºPlato): 1.030-1.056 (7.5-14 ºPlato)
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (ºPlato): 1.004-1.020 (1-5 ºPlato)
Alcohol by Weight (Volume): 3-5.5% (3.8-6.9%)
Bitterness (IBU): 10-35
Color SRM (EBC): 2-25 (4-50 EBC)

B. Subcategory: German-Style Rye Ale (Roggenbier) with or without Yeast
This beer can be made using phenol producing ale yeast. It should be brewed with at least 30 percent rye malt, and hop rates will be low. A banana-like fruity-estery aroma and flavor are typical but at low levels; phenolic, clove-like characteristics should also be perceived. Paler versions of this style are straw to dark amber, and the body should be light to medium in character. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Darker versions of this style will be dark amber to dark brown, and the body should be light to medium in character. Roasted malts are optionally evident in aroma and flavor with a low level of roast malt astringency acceptable when appropriately balanced with malt sweetness. Roast malts may be evident as a cocoa/chocolate or light caramel character. Aromatic toffee-like, caramel, or biscuit-like characters may be part of the overall flavor/aroma profile. As in the paler versions, diacetyl should not be perceived. If entries in this style are packaged and served without yeast, no yeast characters should be evident in mouthfeel, flavor, or aroma. If entries are intended to be served with yeast, the character should portray a full yeasty mouthfeel and appear hazy to very cloudy. Yeast flavor and aroma should be low to medium but not overpowering the balance and character of rye and barley malt and hops. Brewer may indicate on the bottle whether the yeast should be intentionally roused or if they prefer that the entry be poured as quietly as possible.
Original Gravity (ºPlato): 1.047-1.056 (11.8-14 ºPlato)
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (ºPlato): 1.008-1.016 (2-4 ºPlato)
Alcohol by Weight (Volume): 3.9-4.4% (4.9-5.5%)
Bitterness (IBU): 10-15
Color SRM (EBC): 4-12 (8-24 EBC)

at the 2007 GABF and replaces the Rusty Roadrunner Lager. The Crazy Jackass is more of a Roggenbier because of the pronouced banana flavor in the beer. Plus there is a new release of the Kokopelli IPA on tap. It's a little stronger than the last batch. AND... the Straight Shooter Stout replaces the High Desert Imperial Stout. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%N/A
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%N/A
Straight Shooter Stout25.0/7.59.2%2/27
Kokopelli IPA15.2/2.76.6%3/22
Crazy Jackass Ale13.4/2.85.2%3/14

Got one Kokopelli IPA and one GAR Pale Ale growler to take home.

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[25 February 2008]

Cheers for Obama

Check this video out. Kenyans are renaming their local brew.

Is this enough to sway your vote?

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[25 February 2008]

Growler Update: 2008-02-24

Sweetwater Tavern
The Rusty Road Runner Lager is the new addition this week at Sweetwater. It replaces the Barking Frog Ale. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%9/20
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%9/17
High Desert Imperial Stout25.0/7.59.2%2/4
Rusty Road Runner Lager12.9/2.45.5%2/22
Kokopelli IPA15.4/3.46.3%2/17

Got one Kokopelli IPA growler to take home. I love this stuff!

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[18 February 2008]

Growler Update: 2008-02-17

The Kokopelli IPA is new addition this week at Sweetwater. It replaces the Sidewinder Holiday Bock. The Kokopelli IPA is one of my favorites. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%9/20
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%9/17
High Desert Imperial Stout25.0/7.59.2%2/4
Barking Frog Ale12.2/1.65.5%1/16
Kokopelli IPA15.4/3.46.3%2/17

No Kokopelli IPA available in growlers yet so I got one GAR Pale Ale growler instead.

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[13 February 2008]

Land Shark Lager available near you

Got the following email in my inbox today....

Fin's Up! The refreshing, drinkable island lager is now available not only in coastal resorts and Margaritaville Restaurants, but also at a local watering hole near you.

Leveraging the true meaning of Margaritaville, Land Shark Lager instantly transforms you to an island lifestyle where good friends, good times, good food and great beer are a way of life.

Put yourself in an island state of mind and visit to find a retailer near you!

Let the Fin begin!

So I went to the web site and typed in my zip code... Closest places to get it are in Fredricksburg and Charlottesville, VA. What up with that?

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[11 February 2008]

Growler Update: 2008-02-10

The Imperial Stout is new addition this week at Sweetwater. It replaces the Iron Horse Lager. It surprised me to learn that the Iron Horse won a Bronze medal at the 2006 GABF. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%9/20
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%9/17
High Desert Imperial Stout25.0/7.59.2%2/4
Barking Frog Ale12.2/1.65.5%1/16
Sidewinder Holiday Bock18.2/3.57.7%1/16

Got one Great American Pale Ale and an Imperial Stout growler to take home.

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[07 February 2008]

Beer pictures added

On the sidebar. I'll post pictures of labels of all the beer I have tried recently.

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[07 February 2008]

Craft Beer at Ruby Tuesday's ?

Who would have thunk it? Will it make you change the places you dine out? Not me... I'll stick with Sweetwater Tavern and their on site brewpub.

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[29 January 2008]

Exercise and Drink Up

I read a Time Magazine article about the benefits of a little exercise with moderate alcohol consumption. If I could only get myself to exercise just a little. Here's my favorite quote from the article:

"You shouldn't even think about doing it until age 45 or 50. There's absolutely no proof of a preventative and protective effect before age 45."

Ah... The benefits of old age!

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[24 January 2008]

New Great American Restaurant

While looking at the Great American Restaurants (the parent company of Sweetwater Tavern) web site this morning, I noticed a news announcement regarding a new restaurant they are opening this fall.

We are thrilled to announce Jackson's Mighty Fine Food & Lucky Lounge is opening Fall 2008 in the expansion phase of Reston Town Center. Named after Bill Jackson, our favorite chef, Jackson's will feature outstanding quality without pretense...just like Bill. Our 10th restaurant will be comfortably upbeat in a 1940's casual dinner house style. Our outdoor bar's name, the Lucky Lounge, says all that needs to be said. Our menu will include the best from Coastal Flats with new twists like sushi, fresh hand cut fries, prime rib, macaroni & cheese and deviled eggs.

Bill Jackson is the Executive Chef at Great American Restaurants and also suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). I would bet that has something to do with the name of the outdoor bar. I'll work to get myself invited to the mock service that happens a couple days before the restaurant officially opens.

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[22 January 2008]

Sweetwater Brewing News

Fooled you! I read this article about Sweetwater Brewing Company on the Beer Advocate. Too bad the article is about the wrong Sweetwater establishment.

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[22 January 2008]

Growler Update: 2008-01-20

I have moved back inside now. The weather here is cold enough now that they have closed the outdoor bar until Spring. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%9/20
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%9/17
Iron Horse Lager12.9/3.94.8%12/28
Barking Frog Ale12.2/1.65.5%1/16
Sidewinder Holiday Bock18.2/3.57.7%1/16

Got one Great American Pale Ale and a Barking Frog growler to take home.

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[21 January 2008]

Do you owe someone a beer?

Then head to this site to maintain your list of financial obligations.

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