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February 2008 Archives

February 7, 2008

Craft Beer at Ruby Tuesday's ?

Who would have thunk it? Will it make you change the places you dine out? Not me... I'll stick with Sweetwater Tavern and their on site brewpub.

Beer pictures added

On the sidebar. I'll post pictures of labels of all the beer I have tried recently.

February 11, 2008

Growler Update: 2008-02-10

The Imperial Stout is new addition this week at Sweetwater. It replaces the Iron Horse Lager. It surprised me to learn that the Iron Horse won a Bronze medal at the 2006 GABF. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%9/20
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%9/17
High Desert Imperial Stout25.0/7.59.2%2/4
Barking Frog Ale12.2/1.65.5%1/16
Sidewinder Holiday Bock18.2/3.57.7%1/16

Got one Great American Pale Ale and an Imperial Stout growler to take home.

February 12, 2008

Patterson finally ready?

I was wondering about John Patterson this year. This article tells about how he feels coming into this year.

February 13, 2008

HRH The Duke of York visits SAIC

SAIC in the news. HRH The Duke of York visits SAIC. See the following article. I think he was expecting to meet with Beyster. I wonder if Dalhberg offered him iced tea. He should have taken him to Shakespeare's or the Princess of Wales for a pint! Here's a picture commemorating the event.


Land Shark Lager available near you

Got the following email in my inbox today....

Fin's Up! The refreshing, drinkable island lager is now available not only in coastal resorts and Margaritaville Restaurants, but also at a local watering hole near you.

Leveraging the true meaning of Margaritaville, Land Shark Lager instantly transforms you to an island lifestyle where good friends, good times, good food and great beer are a way of life.

Put yourself in an island state of mind and visit www.landsharklager.com to find a retailer near you!

Let the Fin begin!

So I went to the web site and typed in my zip code... Closest places to get it are in Fredricksburg and Charlottesville, VA. What up with that?

February 15, 2008

Nat's pitchers and catchers report today

Spring is starting! My sister sent me an email yesterday that made me think about this baseball classic...


Schwag at the new Ballpark this year

Looking over the Nationals home schedule for the first half of the year, the following dates pop out to me:

Thu., May 1 Pirates
Dmitri Young Bobblehead to the first 15,000 fans

Thu., Jun. 5 Cardinals
Ryan Zimmerman Bobblehead to the first 15,000 fans

I LOVE BOBBLEHEADS! I have a Chad Cordero bobblehead from 2006 on my desk. Coolness factor is way up there.

February 17, 2008

The Dumbing of America

I read a couple opinions in this Sunday's Washington Post Outlook section. In the first, The Dumbing of America, Susan Jacoby paints a pretty bleak picture of the effects of technology on our society. But The End of Literacy opinion attempts to discuss why it's not as bad as it may seem. Interesting reading and thought provoking. But only if you take the time to read them.

February 18, 2008

Growler Update: 2008-02-17

The Kokopelli IPA is new addition this week at Sweetwater. It replaces the Sidewinder Holiday Bock. The Kokopelli IPA is one of my favorites. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%9/20
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%9/17
High Desert Imperial Stout25.0/7.59.2%2/4
Barking Frog Ale12.2/1.65.5%1/16
Kokopelli IPA15.4/3.46.3%2/17

No Kokopelli IPA available in growlers yet so I got one GAR Pale Ale growler instead.

February 19, 2008

Nick or Dmitri?

Here are a couple articles on the Nick Johnson or Dmitri Young debate. You have to trade one. Which would you keep?

  • MVN National's Blog
  • USA Today

    I say keep the younger guy. Roll the dice and cross your fingers.

  • February 20, 2008

    R.I.P. HD-DVD

    And so it ends. Blu-ray has won the HD-DVD v. Blu-ray format war. Could Dvorak be correct regarding the reason. The size of the player is still a little too tall for my tastes. I will wait until I can get a 1" tall Blu-ray player before I take the plunge.

    February 25, 2008

    Brad Lidge's phirst impressions as a Philthy

    I see that Brad (meltdown) Lidge is off to a distinguished start as a Philly! One pitch is all it took.

    Growler Update: 2008-02-24

    Sweetwater Tavern
    The Rusty Road Runner Lager is the new addition this week at Sweetwater. It replaces the Barking Frog Ale. Here is what's on tap inside this week at Sweetwater Centreville:

    NameOG/AWABVBorn on
    Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%9/20
    Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%9/17
    High Desert Imperial Stout25.0/7.59.2%2/4
    Rusty Road Runner Lager12.9/2.45.5%2/22
    Kokopelli IPA15.4/3.46.3%2/17

    Got one Kokopelli IPA growler to take home. I love this stuff!

    Cheers for Obama

    Check this video out. Kenyans are renaming their local brew.

    Is this enough to sway your vote?

    February 27, 2008

    Food at the new Nationals Ballpark

    The Washington Nationals announced yesterday the food vendors at the new stadium. Too bad they didn't announce the beer brands that will be available. Guinness? Clipper City? Sweetwater? Flying Dog??

    Bonds as a Devil Ray?

    Some think Barry Bonds could be in Tampa Bay this year. Might not be a bad thing for the francise. It would give people a reason to go see a Rays game this year.

    About February 2008

    This page contains all entries posted to Charlie's Weblog in February 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

    January 2008 is the previous archive.

    March 2008 is the next archive.

    Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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