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The Dumbing of America

I read a couple opinions in this Sunday's Washington Post Outlook section. In the first, The Dumbing of America, Susan Jacoby paints a pretty bleak picture of the effects of technology on our society. But The End of Literacy opinion attempts to discuss why it's not as bad as it may seem. Interesting reading and thought provoking. But only if you take the time to read them.

Comments (13)

Mucho thanks for posting about this. Please keep up the good work. I will be coming back lots.

Does any person know of any forums that discuss this issue in much more depth? I am intrigued.

Many thanks for taking the time to write this article. It's been rather useful. It couldn't have arrive at a much better time for me!

Ive regularly wondered regarding this subject matter and Im delighted to ascertain that you just merely just covered it nicely. may well your propose one other weblogs to browse that may have way much more facts on this matter? Many thanks.

Many thanks for taking time to write down this post. It is been incredibly useful. It couldn't have arrive at a better time for me!

Many thanks for taking time to write down this post. It is been extremely valuable. It couldn't have arrive at a greater time for me!

This blog is wonderful. There's always all of the correct info in the hints of my fingers. Thanks and maintain up the excellent work!

Hi, I enjoy your blog. Is there something I can do to receive updates like a subscription or some thing? I'm sorry I am not familiar with RSS?

This weblog is terrific. There is usually all of the ideal facts in the ideas of my fingers. Many thanks and maintain up the very good work!

Out of curiosity, how many times has a division winner had a worse divisional record than the second place team? To me, the concept of winning a division is kind of flawed. Winning the division to me would be having the best record against your divisional opponents. i.e. If you were 11-5 but 3-3 in the division and the second place team was 10-6 but 4-2 in the division, you didn't really win it.

Danl Boone (aka Fess Parker), back in the 1960s was the bomb !! (I wasnt around for the 50s show). The frontier mountains, bears, log cabins, Indians, British soldiers, outlaws, beautiful women, muskets what a great show. Artistic license? Big whoop; it was indeed based on history and when color TV was brand new, wow!Were going to miss you Fess, keep your powder dry ~~~~

Is it me or have you not produced a RSS feed -.- I want to subscribe!There is certainly some helpful new information regarding your report at Wikipedia. Time to update your write-up I guess :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 17, 2008 11:50 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Growler Update: 2008-02-17.

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