New Wii game
Just found out this new Wii game from Japan. Called Pii Pii, strap in and use your your Wii remote to get as much pee into the toilet in the allotted time. But its all in Japanese!
Just found out this new Wii game from Japan. Called Pii Pii, strap in and use your your Wii remote to get as much pee into the toilet in the allotted time. But its all in Japanese!
are becoming routine! See the following Sporting News article.
Check this video out. Willie and the Highwaymen at their best!
FYI. For anyone who cares. Don't be surprised to see some interesting "features" on the web site as I begin a maintenance project to upgrade the blogging software from MT3.33 to MT4.1 and mySQL4 to mySQL5. A template redesign and additional tabs will appear. But as this is only my night job, this may take some time. Thanks for your patience.
This page contains all entries posted to Charlie's Weblog in April 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.
March 2008 is the previous archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.