Bill Verley gave me a 750mL Nostradamus from Brasserie Caracole in Falmignoul, Belgium for Christmas. Its got a great label. Not sure what the snail motif is all about though.
9.5% ABV (Wow!)
Beer Advocate Score: 88 (Recommended)
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Great head when poured. Then dissipates into a nice lacing. Deep mahogany color, a bit cloudy. Has a fruity nose and good mouth feel. A bit of liquorice taste. Let it warm to proper temperature before tasting. A strong beer... Be careful.
Comments (1)
More info on the snail motif from the Brasserie Caracole web site.
Posted by Charlie | January 23, 2007 10:16 PM
Posted on January 23, 2007 22:16