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Chimay Red

Sampled a 33cL Chimay Red this evening. Brewed at the Scourmont Abbey in near Chimay Belgium. No "born on"" date.

7.0% ABV
Beer Advocate Score: 88 (Recommended)
Style: Dubbel

Be careful pouring this. There was a fair amount of yeast sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Small head did not last long. Murky amber color. I had kept the bottle in the refrigerator, and had to let it warm a bit before the taste began to pop. Creamy feel in the mouth with a bit of alcohol bite. Has a fruity nose. I used a standard pint glass. The bottle says not to use one of these and instead use more of a stemmed chalice. I need to upgrade my glass selection. Until then, I like the Rochefort 8 better.

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