
SAIC Archives

February 13, 2008

HRH The Duke of York visits SAIC

SAIC in the news. HRH The Duke of York visits SAIC. See the following article. I think he was expecting to meet with Beyster. I wonder if Dalhberg offered him iced tea. He should have taken him to Shakespeare's or the Princess of Wales for a pint! Here's a picture commemorating the event.


January 23, 2008

SAIC Layoffs

Read this today in the San Diego Union-Tribune. This is the first layoff I have ever heard about while at SAIC.

SAIC lays off 70 workers

Science Applications International Corp. laid off about 70 people who were working in corporate support organizations in San Diego, McLean, Va., and elsewhere. SAIC spokeswoman Laura Luke said the company has no other personnel actions planned at this time. The San Diego defense contractor has about 44,000 employees, including 5,000 in San Diego. SAIC advised Wall Street that it was making some head-count reductions in a broader cost-cutting effort to raise profit margins.

Luke recently joined SAIC in Virginia as the company's primary spokeswoman. She worked previously as director of corporate communications for SRA International.

August 29, 2007

SAIC closes above $18.00

For the first time since July 23. I wonder how long it will last? SAIC recently announced that the 2008 2Q earnings release and conference call will be happening at 5:00PM EST on Thurs Sep 6. Hope you all get to listen in.

June 13, 2007

1Q 2008 SAIC Earnings Call

Here's a link to the 06 June 2007 Earnings Conference Call. More boring stuff unless you are a stock holder. SAIC stock was down $1.62 the next day. Not exactly the best quarter.

June 3, 2007

SAIC 2008 1st Quarter earnings call

SAIC earnings call is scheduled for Wednesday this week. Listen in and enjoy the ride! Details can be found on the SAIC investor's web site.

April 12, 2007

SAIC Earnings Conference Call

Here's a link to the 11April2007 Earnings Conference Call. Boring stuff unless you are a stock holder. SAIC stock made a nice 5% move today. Let's hope it sticks.

January 5, 2007

SAIC Stock Price

Ouch... Down to 17.55 today :(

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