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Growler Update: 2007-03-25

No change to the lineup this week at Sweetwater Tavern - Centreville. Here is what's on tap:

NameOG/AWABVBorn on
Naked River Light9.0/0.84.4%N/A
Great American Pale Ale13.0/2.55.5%N/A
GiddyUp Coffee Stout12.5/3.64.7%3/10
Rusty Roadrunner Lager12.8/2.65.4%2/22
Crazy Jackass Ale 12.5/2.25.6%2/20

Went home with two growler of Great American Pale Ale and a new growler coosie. It's a coosie that fits around the whole growler to help keep it cool during the summer. It was my idea but somebody stole it.

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