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Bell's Expedition Stout

On the advice of a co-worker, I tried a bottle of Expedition Stout from Bell's Brewery. The Beer Adovcate says this is a Imperial Stout. These beers were not brewed in Russia but were brewed to be exported to Russia. These beers were brewed with higher hop and alcohol content in order to survive the arduous shipment to Russia.

ABV: 10.5% (Wow!)
Beer Advocate Score: 92 (Outstanding)
Style: Russian Imperial Stout
Born on: Unknown

WOW! What a beer! It pours noticeable thicker than any of the other beers I have tried. It started with a pretty quarter inch head with tiny bubbles. It has a very black color. it is a bit sweet (10.5% ABV according to the bottle - beeradvocate has it at 11.5% ABV), but has incredible mouth feel. It's like drinking a whole meal with one glass. One could probably survive just off a couple of these each day. These will be hard to buy during the Spring and Summer. I'll try another one come Thanksgiving.

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