WOO WHOO! Check out what's new at the iTunes store! I better watch my wallet. At only $2.00 a show, I could be get into this deep. No "The Trouble with Tribbles" show yet. It came out in season 2. Guess I'll have to keep checking for new shows!
« Fumeless | Main | Mac - Make The Switch Parody »
WOO WHOO! Check out what's new at the iTunes store! I better watch my wallet. At only $2.00 a show, I could be get into this deep. No "The Trouble with Tribbles" show yet. It came out in season 2. Guess I'll have to keep checking for new shows!
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 3, 2007 8:33 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Fumeless.
The next post in this blog is Mac - Make The Switch Parody.
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