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Nationals Stadium Info

Info about the Nationals new ballpark is starting to appear on the Nationals home page. Even a countdown clock. Only 448 more days 'til opening day 2008. But I wouldn't be surprised if the 2008 season starts in RFK.

Too bad they don't tell you that there will only be about 1500 parking spaces in a garage near the new stadium. Guess they think everyone is going to take Metro to the Washington Navy Yard and walk from there. Traffic on South Capitol St is going to be a nightmare!

I hate to say it, but I will miss RFK.

Comments (2)

Your sister:

Cool! Comments are up!
Does anybody even own the Nats yet?


Yes! Actually, the stadium funding approval by the DC Council had to be in place before MLB could sell the team. The Lerner's are the new owners.

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