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Orval Trappist Ale

Tried an 11.2 oz bottle of Orval Trappist Ale from the Brasserie d'Orval tonight. The web site states:

The monastery was born of an act of gratitude: Mathilda was a widow and her wedding ring had accidentally fallen into the fountain. She prayed to the Lord and at once a trout rose to the surface with the precious ring in its mouth. Mathilda exclaimed : 'Truly this place is a Val d'Or'! " In gratitude, she decided to establish a monastery on the site.

The bottle label even has a fish with a ring in its mouth.

6.90% ABV
Beer Advocate Score: 89 (Recommended)
Style: Belgian Pale Ale
Born on: 6 July 2006

Great two inch head with tiny bubbles when poured. Dissipates very slowly and sticks to the glass. Has a very hoppy aroma and has a nice light amber pale ale color. Very drinkable. I could have several of these. Very nice taste with a hint of berry.

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