
Golf Archives

March 24, 2008

How to toss a club

A friend of mine sent me this video done by Charlie King found on providing a detailed explaination on the proper technique to utilize when you are finally DONE with one of your clubs. Another friend of mine noted that the wind plays a significant role when throwing a club. In particular, when throwing into a headwind (as Charlie was doing in the video), a lower trajectory should be employed. This will also reduce the "boomerang effect" and will therefore lower the risk of the club returning to the thrower.

January 22, 2008

Laws of Golf

LAW 1:
No matter how bad your last shot was, you should have inner peace knowing that a worse one is yet to come. (This law does not expire on the 18th hole, since it has the supernatural tendency to extend over the course of a tournament, a summer, and, eventually, a lifetime.)

LAW 2:
Your best round of golf will be followed almost immediately by your worst round ever. The probability of the latter increases with the number of people you tell about the former.

LAW 3:
Brand new golf balls are water-magnetic. (Though this cannot be proven in the lab, it is a known fact that the more expensive the golf ball the greater its attraction to water. Expensive clubs have been known to be partly made with this most unusual natural alloy.)

LAW 4:
Golf balls never bounce off of trees back into play. If one does,the tree is breaking a law of the universe and should be cut down.

LAW 5:
No matter what causes a golfer to muff a shot, all his playing partners must solemnly chant "You looked up," or invoke the wrath of the universe.

LAW 6:
The higher a golfer's handicap, the more qualified he deems himself as an instructor.

LAW 7:
Every par-three hole in the world has a secret desire to humiliate golfers. The shorter the hole, the greater its desire.

LAW 8:
Palm trees eat golf balls.

LAW 9:
Sand is alive. It will swallow your balls.

LAW 10:
A golfer hitting into your group will always be bigger than anyone in your group. Likewise, a group you accidentally hit into will consist of a football player, a professional wrestler, a convicted murderer and an IRS agent - or some similar combination.

LAW 11:
All 3-woods are demon-possessed. (Your Mother-in-Law, does not come close)

LAW 12:
Golf balls from the same "sleeve" tend to follow one another, particularly out of bounds or into the water (See LAW 3)

LAW 13:
A severe slice is a thing of awesome power and beauty.

LAW 14:
The person you would most hate to lose to will always be the one who beats you.

LAW 15 :
The last three holes of a round will automatically adjust your score to what it really should be.

LAW 16:
Golf should be given up at least twice per month.

LAW 17:
All vows taken on a golf course shall be valid only until the sunset.

LAW 18:
Since bad shots come in groups of three, your fourth consecutive bad shot is really the beginning of the next group of three.

LAW 19:
When you look up and cause an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you should have continued watching the ball if you ever want to see it again.

LAW 20:
The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about your swing.

LAW 21:
If it ain't broke, try changing your grip.

LAW 22:
Golfers who claim they don't cheat, also lie.

LAW 23:
A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponent's luck.

LAW 24:
It's surprisingly easy to hole a 50-foot putt when you lie 8.

LAW 25:
Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut.

LAW 26:
Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts.

LAW 27:
It's not a gimme if you're still away.

LAW 28:
The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through the center of a very large tree.

LAW 29:
You can hit a 2-acre fairway 10% of the time, and a 2-inch branch 90% of the time.

LAW 30:
Every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make two triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe.

LAW 31:
If you want to hit a 7-iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to lay up just short of a water hazard.

LAW 32:
There are two things you can learn by stopping your backswing at the top and checking the position of your hands: i.e. how many hands you have and which one is wearing the glove.

LAW 33:
Hazards attract; fairways repel.

LAW 34:
You can put "draw" on the ball, you can put "fade" on the ball, but no golfer can put "straight" on the ball.

LAW 35:
A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours.

LAW 36:
Don't buy a putter until you've had a chance to throw it and determine if it can swim.

September 2, 2007

Robin Williams on golf...

and of course, I love Robin Williams' commentary on golf. [Highly explicit]

Amazing Fuzzy Zoeller golf shot

A friend of mine sent me this video of Fuzzy hitting a hole-in-one.

March 15, 2007

Reston National

It was 80 degrees here yesterday. Bill and I went out and played a round at Reston National. I shot a 100, Bill a 97. His excuse was that he was using brand new clubs and hadn't figured his distances out. I got a chance to use my new Taylor Made R580 driver that I got for my birthday last year. Had two drives that I just NAILED! We played with Lloyd and Gail (whom we had never met before) from the Black tees.

Afterwards went to Sweetwater Tavern, Centreville for a couple pints of Rusty Roadrunner Ale. Bill and Edna were there. First time we had seen them this year. Guess the warm weather had brought them out of hibernation.

March 8, 2007

Winning Golf Strategies

Got this TidBit from a friend of mine.

Here is the Table of Contents from a new book I bought, "Winning Golf Strategies", which I believe gives the reader valuable playing tips and insider information. I have seen a lot of different instruction books, but this seemed to have the greatest value.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 - How to Properly Line Up Your Fourth Putt
Chapter 2 - How to Hit a Nike from the Rough When You Hit a Titleist from the Tee
Chapter 3 - How to Avoid the Water When You Lie 8 in a Bunker
Chapter 4 - How to Get More Distance Off the Shank
Chapter 5 - When to Give the Marshall the Finger
Chapter 6 - Using Your Shadow on the Greens to Maximize Earnings
Chapter 7 - When to Implement Handicap Management
Chapter 8 - Proper Excuses for Drinking Beer Before 9:00 a.m.
Chapter 9 - How to Urinate Behind a 4" x 4" Post Undetected.
Chapter 10 - How to Rationalize a 6 Hour Round
Chapter 11 - How to Find That Ball That Everyone Else Saw Go in the Water
Chapter 12 - Why Your Spouse Doesn't Care That You Birdied the 5th.
Chapter 13 - How to Let a Foursome Play Through Your Twosome
Chapter 14 - How to Relax When You Are Hitting Five Off the Tee
Chapter 15 - When to Suggest Major Swing Corrections to Your Opponent
Chapter 16 - God and the Meaning of the Birdie-to-Bogey Three Putt
Chapter 17 - When to Regrip Your Ball Retriever
Chapter 18 - Use a Strong Grip on the Hand Wedge and a Weak Slip on the Foot Wedge.
Chapter 19 - Why Male Golfers Will Pay $5. 00 a Beer From The Cart Girl and give Her a $3 Tip but Will Balk at $3.50 at the 19th Hole and Stiff the Bartender.......

I think I got Chapters 2, 8 and 16 covered. Just gotta work on the rest of my game.

About Golf

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Charlie's Weblog in the Golf category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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