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August 2007 Archives

August 29, 2007

Summer is almost over...

so I will attempt to make more regular posts to this blog in the future. The family had a great time this summer with the performance of CATS and our time at the beach. These will be the subject of future posts in the coming weeks.

What teachers make...

Sarah discovered this video of Taylor Mali discussing "what teachers make". I found it fascinating viewing. Teachers don't get enough respect in American society and need to be paid more. Enjoy all the other Mali videos also posted on YouTube.

SAIC closes above $18.00

For the first time since July 23. I wonder how long it will last? SAIC recently announced that the 2008 2Q earnings release and conference call will be happening at 5:00PM EST on Thurs Sep 6. Hope you all get to listen in.

August 30, 2007

Beer as CPU coolant?

What will they think of next?

Check out this article from the Beer Advocate. Just don't attempt to try this at home. I just wish someone would tell me why they are using a flower vase to hold the beer supply?

Michael Jackson dies :(

No, not that Michael Jackson. But the King of Beer. Here is a link to the article announcing his death. His books inspired me to start making my own beer and stinking up my house 20 years ago. Back then, brew pubs had not yet started. I need to add a link to his Beer Hunter web site. His last article about beer was posted on the All About Beer page.

August 31, 2007

Naked beer stealers?

Ever wonder what happens when you don't Respect Beer. This (you may have to suffer through a Yahoo commercial first - sorry). And just between you and me, that clerk kinda scares me.

About August 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Charlie's Weblog in August 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2007 is the previous archive.

September 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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