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December 2006 Archives

December 13, 2006

Christmas Bunko

Tonight was Bunko night. Not just a regular bunko night, but "Christmas Bunko". No dice tonight, just lots of talking and good cheer. Tyler and I had to leave the house and went to Sweetwater Tavern for dinner. Very tasty dinner. Tyler had Ozzy rolls. Ham (the waiter) spilled a beer on the bar in front of us and under our food. We would have received a free dessert had we stayed longer.

When we got home, Marcia Lyle was right behind us. She was late cause her Christmas tree had fallen over while she was decorating it. Just fell over. I think the Lyle's need a new tree stand. This was the second time in three years...

December 15, 2006


Welcome to the new I will post periodic musing as time allows. Merry Christmas to all.

December 24, 2006

Growler Update: 2006-12-24

New to the taps on Christmas Eve was Wild West Ale. An "assertive, pale, unfiltered...amber Octoberfest style lager". Went home with three Wild West Ale growlers.

December 25, 2006

Apple Ads

I love these ads. The gift exchange and better results are my favorites. See mac ads for access to all of them. I added a link in the Links section also.

Hangover cures

A little help for all of us at this time of year...

but they don't talk about my favorite...
McD's hamburger and fries for lunch. Then to Sweetwater for a little hair of the dog!

Night in the Museum

4 1/2 stars

Saw Night In The Museum this afternoon at the Cinema DeLux in Fairfax Corner. Who knew that so many people would be there. The place was mobbed. But all in all, the movie was great for kids. Entertaining for adults as well.

December 28, 2006

Coors Lite Beer Ads

There are about six of these showing Dick Vermeil and Joe Walsh. My favorite one of these is Dick Vermeil in the following ad...
Coors Light Dick Vermeil Press Conference Ad 2

December 29, 2006

Coltrane and Getz together...

performing "Riptide" in 1960. Discovered on Google Video. Follow this
link for a wonderful sonic experience! Nine minutes of bliss!

December 30, 2006

Yet more hangover cures

From MSNBC. Not much new here for us veterans. But posted for completeness (if that's even a word). Click here. My only problem with the post is the following:

The surest way to avoid a hangover, obviously, is to not drink. Abstinence is the only guaranteed way to avoid that splitting headache the next day.

Who was the rocket scientist that figured that out? Anyway...
Happy New Year!

Should I Twitter ?

Have you checked out twitter? It answers the question "what I am doing right now?"

But if I join, who would care? Perhaps I don't want to know... But it is certainly simplier than blogging.

December 31, 2006

Twilight Zone Marathon

Instead of watching those boring Dick Clark New Years Eve broadcasts, I will be watching a few episodes of TheTwilight Zone during the TZ marathon on the SCI FI Channel.

Growler Update: 12-31-2006

On the last day of 2006, took home two growlers from Sweetwater Centreville. A Great American Pale Ale and a Wild West Lager. Happy New Year to all!

About December 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Charlie's Weblog in December 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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